Nesting Season is ending! ACT FAST & protect your home before the Spring!
Did you know that San Diego boasts the biggest bird list of any county or of any area of equal size in the United States? That’s over 520 species across the county looking to nest under your solar panels!
But don’t worry! We can help you with that.
Give us a call today to discuss solar panel cleaning & the Bird Barrier options we have accessible for your home or business.
Bird barriers can restrict the birds from entering and limits the risk of diseases that come along with these birds. Birds also create an unsightly mess with droppings. Their feathers, excrements, and often foods gathered can leave stains on your solar panels and other areas where they build nests. Installing a bird barrier would assure that this area is kept clean and tidy.
Once a bird has nested under your solar panels, it is then illegal to move the birds or nest until the eggs have hatched and the hatchlings have flown the nest on their own. This can often be 3-4 months of waiting and a big mess in the meantime. Let us protect your home in the next season by installing a bird barrier on your solar panels.
Feel free to give our office a call to schedule today!